
The core of our philosophy is collaboration, connection & confidence. We call them the 3 C’s:


It’s a team effort. Quality therapy doesn’t solve everything. Real progress comes from a collaboration between parents and caregivers, too. We involve family from the start.


Speech and language are the #1 tools used to build relationships. Our techniques help kids build connections with family, teachers, and friends more easily.


We’ve all heard the saying “confidence is key.” The cliche’ isn’t lying. It’s one of the most important skills we learn while growing up. Having difficulty with speech and language creates obstacles for the child and their family. We focus on your child’s strengths to build their positive spirit and self-esteem.

Our areas of expertise include...

  • Early Intervention

  • ABA

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • Apraxia

  • Articulation & Phonological Disorders

  • Auditory Processing

  • Executive Function Disorders

  • Feeding Disorders

  • Oral Motor Deficits

  • Social/Pragmatic Language Disorders

  • Reading Comprehension

  • Written Expression

  • Receptive and Expressive Language Disorders/Delays

Want to learn more about our expertise?